Texas Reliability Entity, Inc. (Texas RE) is a Texas 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation that is the Regional Entity for the area of Texas served by the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT). Through a Delegation Agreement with the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), which is approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), Texas RE is authorized to do the following in the ERCOT region:

  • Develop, monitor, assess, and enforce compliance with NERC Reliability Standards.
  • Develop regional standards.
  • Assess and periodically report on the reliability and adequacy of the bulk power system (BPS).

Texas RE is independent of all users, owners, and operators of the BPS.


A highly reliable and secure bulk power system in the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) Interconnection.


To assure effective and efficient reduction of risks to the reliability and security of the bulk power system within the ERCOT Interconnection.

Jeffrey Corbett
Board of Directors, Chair

Suzanne E. Spaulding
Board of Directors, Vice Chair

Milton B. Lee
Board of Directors, Independent Director

Crystal E. Ashby
Board of Directors, Independent Director

Curt D. Brockmann
Board of Directors, Affliliated Director

Daniela Hammons
Board of Directors, Affiliated Director

Thomas Gleeson
Board of Directors, Ex Officio, non-voting

Courtney Hjaltman
Board of Directors, Ex Officio, non-voting

Jim Albright
Texas RE President & Chief
Executive Officer

Joseph Younger
Texas RE Vice President & Chief
Operating Officer

Derrick Davis
Texas RE Vice President, General Counsel, & Corporate Secretary

Donna Bjornson
Texas RE Vice President & Chief
Financial Officer

Board of Directors

Chair: Jeffrey Corbett
Vice Chair: Suzanne E. Spaulding

The Texas RE Board of Directors manages Texas RE's business affairs in accordance with the Texas RE Bylaws. The Board selects Texas RE's chief executive officer, sets overall goals and policy direction, and approves the Texas RE budget and operations.

Board meetings, except for executive sessions, are open to the public.


Audit, Governance, Risk, and Finance Committee

Chair: Milton B. Lee

The Audit, Governance, Risk and Finance Committee is comprised of the four Independent Directors. The Committee provides assistance to the Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibility and makes recommendations relating to audit, budget, finance, and governance matters.


Director Compensation Committee

The Director Compensation Committee evaluates and sets the amount of the annual retainer fee or other compensation to be paid to the Independent Directors for their services to Texas RE. The Committee is comprised of two Independent Directors that are not currently serving as Board Chair and Vice Chair, two Affiliated Directors, and the CEO.




Texas RE is a member-based organization and welcomes new members!

Members vote to approve the Texas RE Bylaws and the Independent Directors for the Board of Directors. There is no cost to be a member of Texas RE.

Guidelines and Requirements for Membership

Each qualifying entity may be registered in only one Sector. A company or entity that is an affiliate of a member may hold a separate membership in a different Sector if the companies are separate legal entities.

If your organization is interested in joining Texas RE as a member, please complete and submit the Membership Application, as follows:

  1. Complete the Membership Application.
  2. After your Membership Application is received, you will be sent a Membership Agreement for review and signature.

By sending the completed Membership Application to Texas RE, you confirm for your organization that it is registered in the category represented and it agrees to abide by the requirements of the Texas RE Bylaws.

Membership Sectors

According to the Texas RE Bylaws, the Membership Sectors are as follows:

  • System Coordination and Planning:

    An entity that is registered with NERC as a Reliability Coordinator (RC), Balancing Authority (BA), Planning Authority (PA), or Resource Planner (RP).

  • Transmission and Distribution:
    An entity that is registered with NERC as a transmission Owner (TO), Transmission Planner (TP), Transmission Service Provider (TSP), Distribution Provider (DP), and/or Transmission Operator (TOP) and is not a Cooperative or Municipal Utility.

  • Cooperative Utility:

    Cooperative utilities as defined in Article III, Section 4 of the Bylaws.

  • Municipal Utility:

    Municipally owned utility as defined in PURA §11.003 and is registered with NERC for at least one reliability function.

  • Generation:

    An entity that is registered with NERC as a Generator Owner (GO) or Generator Operator (GOP).

  • Load-Serving and Marketing:
    An entity that secures wholesale transmission service or is engaged in the activity of buying and selling of wholesale electric power in the ERCOT region on a physical or financial basis, or qualifies under any newly defined NERC reliability function for demand response.


Member Representatives Committee

2024-2025 Chair: Curt D. Brockmann
2024-2025 Vice Chair: Daniela Hammons

Texas RE’s Member Representatives Committee (MRC) is comprised of 11 representatives, two from each Sector except Sectors with only one corporate member. The MRC provides advice directly to the Board through its Chair and Vice Chair, who serve as the Affiliated Directors on the Texas RE Board, with respect to:

  • Annual budgets, business plans, and funding mechanisms of Texas RE.
  • Development of Regional Reliability Standards and Regional Variances.
  • Matters relevant to the reliability of the BPS, and any other matters pertinent to the purpose and operations of Texas RE.

The MRC also receives updates on current and proposed NERC Reliability Standards from the NERC Standards Review Forum (NSRF). The NSRF is a stakeholder group with voluntary participation from interested entities and individuals within the ERCOT region.

The MRC selects regional stakeholders to participate on NERC standing committees.

The MRC meets at least quarterly, before the regular Board meetings, but may schedule additional meetings as needed.

To receive information about MRC meetings, please sign up for the Information list on the Texas RE Mailing Lists.


Texas RE has an important responsibility to ensure a highly reliable and secure bulk power system in the ERCOT Interconnection, and Texas RE recognizes the importance of maintaining high standards of ethical and professional conduct necessary to carry out its responsibility.

Texas RE operates under an Ethics and Conflicts of Interest Corporate Policy that requires Texas RE Board members, employees, and contractors or consultants performing delegated functions (collectively, Texas RE Representatives) to conduct Texas RE business and activities ethically, with integrity, and to refrain from situations where they have any conflict of interest.

Texas RE Representatives must conduct business and activities with total objectivity and not seek to obtain a personal or financial benefit from performance of their job or Board services. Texas RE Representatives are also required to follow strict confidentiality guidelines.

As part of Texas RE’s commitment to uphold its principles of business conduct, all Texas RE Representatives annually sign an Ethics Agreement requiring them (1) to avoid conflicts of interest and report any possible conflicts of interest, and (2) to maintain the confidentiality of registered entity and market participant confidential information in accordance with the NERC Rules of Procedure and the ERCOT Protocols.

Texas RE requests that you promptly notify us of any legal, ethical, or confidentiality violations by Texas RE Representatives. Anyone who has suspicions of such a violation should report it to Texas RE management, the Texas RE Legal Department, or through Texas RE’s confidential third-party reporting service, called the Ethicsand Compliance Hotline. The Ethics and Compliance Hotline may also be used to report a possible violation of a NERC Reliability Standard or ERCOT Protocol by any entity. You may submit a report through the Ethics and Compliance Hotline at EthicsPoint or by calling 1-888-242-6340. Reporting parties may choose to remain anonymous.


Texas RE has adopted and enforces Antitrust Guidelines. Questions regarding antitrust issues should be directed to the Texas RE General Counsel.
